Skin and Nail Problem

Warts is a skin lesion caused by a viral infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which enters the skin through small cuts and infects the skin. They can be found across all age group though children, especiaslly teenagers tend to be more susceptible to warts than adults. The virus is transmitted via direct contact normally through moist surfaces such as public swimming pool or changing room. Most warts are harmless and benign, even though painful and unsightly. There are several simple procedures which our podiatrist might use to remove warts. These include anti-wart paint or cryosurgery.

Fungal nails or onychomycosis, is an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When the tiny organisms take hold, the nail often becomes darker in color and smells foul. Debris may collect beneath the nail plate, white marks frequently appear on the nail plate, and the infection is capable of spreading to other toenails, the skin. The resulting thicker nails are difficult to trim and make walking painful when wearing shoes. Onychomycosis can also be accompanied by a secondary bacterial or yeast infection in or about the nail plate.

Toenail fungus is often ignored because the infection can be present for years without causing any pain. The disease is characterized by a progressive change in the texture and color of the toenail.

  • Thickening of the nail

  • Infected part of nail may become loose or separate from the nail bed

  • Nail appears to "crumble" or breakdown

Our podiatrist can help to remove the fungal part of the nails with sterilized instruments and advise you on topical anti-fungal agent to prevent the infection.

Skin ulcer is a lesion where an area of skin has broken down and you can see the underlying tissue. Most skin ulcers occur on the lower legs or feet. The skin normally heals quickly if it is cut. However, in some people with diabetes the skin on the feet does not heal so well and is prone to developing an ulcer. This can be even after a mild injury such as stepping on a small stone in your bare feet.

About 1 in 10 people with diabetes develop a foot ulcer at some stages of their life. A foot ulcer is prone to infection, which may become severe.